Ranking Every WWE Champion Of The Attitude Era

Jabronis need not apply.

Undertaker WWE Champion

To this day, when wrestling fans think about the greatest world champions to ever come out of WWE, a part of them immediately goes to the Attitude Era. 

It was an exciting time to be a fan of the product, and that was best exemplified by the high calibre of WWE Champions that came out wearing the strap. Guys like Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock.

But what often gets glossed over in the IWC's nostalgic hive mind is the vast number of title changes during that era. Some of them were meaningful while others seemed pretty random, but they were certainly numerous.

And so while we recall the Attitude Era as being dominated by a couple of the most incredible talents and electrifying personalities the industry has ever seen, we should also remember that not every WWE Champion was at the top of their game and not every title reign was a memorable one.

To demonstrate my point, I'm going to take a look through the mixed bag of Attitude Era champions.

Also, just to make things fair, this list will only rank each champion based on their title reigns during the Attitude Era. Any runs before or after that timeline (Survivor Series 97 - WrestleMania X-Seven) won't be factored in.

10. Mr. McMahon

Undertaker WWE Champion

There have been some pretty questionable WWE Champions over the years: Yokozuna, Sycho Sid, The Great Khali, The Miz. But none of them come even close to being as horrendous of a champion as Vincent Kennedy McMahon was.

And look, I get why Vince decided to put the belt around his own waist. He was knee-deep in one of the greatest rivalries of all time with Stone Cold Steve Austin, and once their feud went beyond the backstage politicking and into the squared circle, Vince had to figure out a way to step up his game.

But dammit, Vinnic Mac, there just had to be another way. Putting the belt on the CEO of the company only tarnished its credibility.

True, he only held the title for four days, but he didn't even drop it clean back to Triple H, the guy he'd basically stolen the belt from in the first place. He vacated it due to some contract BS. Even though Trips was the guy who won it back in the ensuing Six-Pack Challenge at Unforgiven 1999.

Do you realise what that means? Vince McMahon is the only undefeated WWE Champion in the history of the company. Good luck not putting a dent in your wall after thinking about that.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.