Ranking Every WWE Title Match At Royal Rumbles Worst To Best
14. Royal Rumble 2012 - CM Punk Vs. Dolph Ziggler
A little overlooked when recollecting Royal Rumble PPVs, WWE Champion CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler crafted a fun, exciting match back in 2012.
While the annoyingly ever-present presence of John Laurinaitis threatened to overshadow Ziggler here, the two in-ring opponents did enough with the time they were given to keep you constantly engaged. Sure, this wasn't part of any long-standing Punk vs. Ziggler feud, but the match worked so well due to how talented both competitors are.
Of course Punk got the win, and of course we all knew that would happen. That didn't stop this from being a solid slice of in-ring action between two of the best workers in the company at the time.
The Second City Saint may often be regaled as one of the great workers of his generation, but this Rumble '12 effort stands up as yet another example of how much of a phenomenal in-ring talent Dolph Ziggler - nowadays having surfaced in NJPW and TNA Wrestling as Nic Nemeth - can be when afforded the chance to showcase his skills. Likewise, this match is a further reminder of how WWE should have done far more with Ziggler across his lengthy tenure with the market leader.