Ranking John Cena's WWE SummerSlam Matches From Worst To Best

11. vs CM Punk vs Big Show (2012)

John Cena AJ Styles Summerslam 2016

In the grand saga of John Cena vs CM Punk, this won’t go down as one of the finer moments for either man. And also, Big Show was there. This is about as textbook a triple threat match as WWE could ever present, and while it’s brief enough and actually quite an entertaining watch, it doesn’t reflect the abilities of those involved.

Cena gets one of his most vociferous SummerSlam booings here, with the L.A crowd still super hot for Punk. The Cena/Punk feud was built on the notion of the clean-cut WWE guy against the gnarly indie favourite and Cena’s cartoonish nature was a terrific foil for Punk, but the addition of Big Show tips the scales in favour of silly sports entertainment.

Michael Cole on comms makes the bizarre choice to highlight how few main events Punk had as WWE Champion - a genuine bone of contention and bad decision on WWE’s part - and even though he’s a colossal star he’s a bit lost in the shuffle here.

The ending is inventive enough, with both smaller guys slapping submissions on Big Show who taps out. There’s a restart, Punk steals a win, they probably all got paid well and had an easy enough night’s work. It’s fine, let’s crack on.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)