Ranking The 10 Biggest Wrestling Matches Coming In September

7. Samoa Joe Vs. AJ Styles (WWE Hell In A Cell 2018)

Kenny Omega Pentagon


Week in and week out, Samoa Joe continues to earn his accolades as "best on the mic" in WWE. He has brought a scathing, personal tongue that makes his feud with AJ Styles refreshing and unique in a company that has such bland feuds typically.

That brutality on the mic has translated to brutality in the ring, as at SummerSlam, Joe and Styles had a steadily building bout that devolved into intense spots and bloody mayhem. After one of Joe's verbal barbs at AJ's wife drove him too far, the match resulted in a DQ when AJ murdered Joe with a chair.

Now Joe is set to get even and a rematch is set for Hell in a Cell. Given the intense nature of the feud, you can bet your bottom dollar they'll be one of the two (or three) matches to be put inside the Satanic Structure.

A good Hell in a Cell match isn't exactly a guarantee, as the last few years have shown. However, these two are sure to pull it off. Plus, with no rules and so much momentum behind, this is probably Joe's greatest chance to finally win the WWE Championship.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.