Ranking The Undertaker’s 27 WWE WrestleMania Matches From Worst To Best

26. Vs. Giant Gonzalez - WrestleMania IX

WrestleMania 36 The Undertaker

Before Brock Lesnar ended The Streak, this spectacle was considered the most infamous match of The Undertaker's WrestleMania career, and a single photo of the match will confirm why.

The image of 'The Phenom' staring into the eight-foot Giant Gonzalez' face at the Royal Rumble was actually rather frightening, but the recreation of that image at WrestleMania IX didn't have the same effect... and it might have had something to do with the fact that the giant was wearing a nude bodysuit with cartoon abs.

That aside, the match was slow and plodding with gimmicky and exaggerated action on Gonzalez's part. No, it's not as bad as so many like to pretend it is, but it's just far too long without any semblance of pacing to justify that length. And the chloroform DQ ending certainly seems like a poor creative decision in hindsight.

On the plus side, 'Taker's post-match return and triple clothesline was very entertaining - and it was certainly the best thing about the whole affair.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.