Ranking The Undertaker's 10 Best WWE Returns

9. SummerSlam 1994

The Undertaker WWE RAW2

Undertaker has become part of the WrestleMania furniture, but - as of next year - we're going to have to get used to seeing WWE's annual show-piece without 'the Deadman'.

We'll be OK though. After all, he did miss WrestleMania X through a back injury after being tossed around the ring by Yokozuna, and it would be months before we saw him back on our screens. To make matters worse, when he did return, there was something different about him - something you couldn't quite put your finger on.

And that's because it wasn't him at all. It was an imposter - 'Taker's real-life cousin Brian Lee, to be precise - and the real Deadman wouldn't show up until SummerSlam 1994, where he beat, err, himself in the event's headline match.
