Ranking What Was Really The Best Wrestling Attire Every Year 1990-2021
21. 2001 - The Hardy Boyz

The Hardy Boyz wore such iconic gear that, years after they had faded from relevance, Vince Russo asked the team that most closely resembled them to get the f*ck to Hot Topic and rip them off posthaste. That was the Generation Me origin story.
Did they ever fade from relevance?
Nobody had the heart to get behind either of their singles programmes in WWE, and when they eventually returned to their home promotion, in 2017, they were greeted as a team that should never have left.
About the only quintessentially early 2000s aesthetic not to feel painfully early 2000s, the long hair and baggy trousers has somehow conspired to endure as a timeless look when it has no right to.