Ranking What Was Really The Best Wrestling Entrance Every Year 1990-2021
24. 1998 - Steve Austin, WWF, Every Damn Time
They call the monster pop the Road Warrior pop in tribute to how monstrously over that act was in the peak of their '80s run.
Steve Austin, in one ring entrance, generated a pop for every spike on their shoulder pad gimmick.
When the glass shattered in those halcyon days, the crowd absolutely f*cking exploded. It wasn't even a pop; it was a roar, and in a tremendous update on the shtick of his Ace antecedent Hulk Hogan, Austin climbed on top of every turnbuckle and appealed to every section of the crowd because he was everybody's hero. Every pose generated yet more noise.
Austin was the coolest, funniest badass in the industry, and in 1998, when the glass shattered, so did a competitive, billionaire-backed wrestling league.