Ranking WWE's First Ever NXT Class - From Worst To Best
41. Nick Rogers
Nick Rogers popped the wider wrestling universe when profiled warmly on WWE's FCW documentary for always cutting the same promo, but his run of matches was relatively short.
Used an example of how the in-house training's "promo class" could be gamed without the right people paying attention, Rogers took a for better/for worse process and had fun with it. Sadly for him (and the rest of us!), none of it materialised into a career that got a lot of time in front of the market leader's lens.
A 2011-2012 run with FCW/NXT saw him work just 20 matches, even if the banked footage of him bigging himself up suggests the run was substantially more impressive. Wrestling's as much about talking yourself up the card as working your way there, and Rogers was better with the bluster than the bumps.
You could say he did his best with-out break-ing a SWEAT. He certainly would.