Ranking WWE's First Ever NXT Class - From Worst To Best
46. Caylee Turner
Despite being the sister of company mainstay Alisha Fox, Christina "Caylee Turner" Crawford's two years in the WWE system were her only years in wrestling, outside of one TNA dark match defeat very shortly after her 2012 exit.
In that time, she was briefly the Florida Championship Wrestling Women's Champion, serving as a transitional champion between fellow FCW regulars Sofia Cortez and Raquel Diaz, but much like both of those, she didn't stick around long into the NXT run either.
Right as Triple H took full control of the system, Turner took her leave. Save for one appearance on a July 2012 edition of the show (a tag team loss alongside Kaitlyn against Paige and Tamina Snuka), she was neither seen nor heard from on WWE television again.