Scott Steiner Calls Stephanie McMahon A "C***", Shoots On WWE
"Triple H... f*ck. You f*cking kidding me?"

WhatCulture's Simon Miller caught up with industry veteran Scott Steiner during All In's Starrcast convention last weekend, and 'Big Poppa Pump' was his usual outspoken self. When asked how he was finding the the festivities in Atlanta, Steiner veered into a typical tirade in the direction of ex-employers WWE:
They sold out in, like what, thirty minutes? For an independent show, I've never heard of that before. This is like, the first, and now they're doing it at Madison Square Garden. It just goes to show that nobody wants to watch that bullsh*t WWE puts out right now. You know, their product's f*cking horrible.
The 'Genetic Freak' then proceeded to lay into Vince and co. when asked about his time in Stamford:
It was f*cking brutal. The times I was up there were the two times I thought about quitting. They're f*cking weirdos, man. The bullsh*t you gotta put up with, and now it's worse, 'cause you got one of the biggest c*nts running it. Stephanie McMahon - what the f*ck does she know about wrestling? And then Triple H...f*ck. You f*cking kidding me? I feel bad for the wrestlers, 'cause they pigeon hole them into these stupid characters, make everybody do the same interviews that they print out. You can't expand and be creative. It's not what my picture of wrestling was. I think something like this proves that. They're bullsh*t.
Steiner further lamented WWE's hegemony, reflecting on the damage WCW's demise did for the business.
Oh, it was the worst thing that happened. Competition keeps people on their toes, trying to beat the other show. As you can see, when WCW closed, they didn't pick up any of our fans, any of our viewers - they just turned them off. I mean, look at the ratings now. Stephanie and Triple H go out and do the same bullsh*t, do their interview at the beginning of the show. F*ck that sh*t. It's old, man. It's like, take your brain off, and watch it for a while.
Could something like All In emerge reignite a wrestling war? Scott certainly thinks so:
All you need is another big network. Mark Cuban's doing that. So you just never know; there would be competition in the next day. I always said if like, Rupert Murdoch or somebody like that who has a network or TV station, it'd be on again
Steiner concluded that competition for WWE would be good for everything involved in the business - fans and wrestlers alike.
Right now, all the boys are getting screwed. Independent contractor: that's bullsh*t. Nobody's an independent contractor under the actual law. It's bullsh*t. We're not independent contractors. They demand too much of our time. So how he gets away with it I don't know. At some point, that's going to be a lawsuit.
Blimey. Good ol' Scott: he never lets you down.