Scott Steiner Will Make Full Recovery, According To His Wife
This comes after yesterday's reports of the wrestling legend collapsing backstage.

After reports broke yesterday of Scott Steiner collapsing at an Impact Wrestling taping, his wife has confirmed that the legend will make a '100% recovery' on Twitter.
Steiner was rushed to hospital soon after the incident, which took place at Impact's taping of the A-Town Beatdown show in Atlanta.
Stars such as Tommy Dreamer and Scott D'Amore tweeted out that the former WCW/WWE star was doing OK and the former mentioned that 'his family is grateful for everybody’s concern and support'.
Now, Steiner's wife Christa Rechsteiner has confirmed on Twitter that 'Big Poppa Pump' is well on the road to recovery.
She tweeted:
'First of all I went to thank everyone @IMPACTWRESTLING for taking such great care of my husband @ScottDAmore @THETOMMYDREAMER @johnnyswinger2 @JoeyRyanOnline @IMPACTWRESTLING & Cobb County EMTs. We appreciate all the well wishes, thoughts & prayers. He will make a 100% recovery.'
PWInsider have reported that Steiner is set to undergo a heart procedure at some point after his collapse at the tapings and that he remains in a stable condition. A cardiac episode is said to be the early diagnosis.
Everyone here at WhatCulture Wrestling wish the big man all the best and a speedy recovery. Hopefully, we'll hear from the wrestler himself in the coming weeks and this incident will be a one and done for one of wrestling's most outspoken characters.
We'll be sure to keep you updated on his condition as the news filters through.