Sting: 5 Awesome Matches And 5 That Sucked

...And 5 That Sucked

5. Team WCW vs. Team Hollywood vs. Team Wolfpac - War Games (Fall Brawl 1998)

If I'm going to tout the greatness of War Games, it's only fair that I single out when it goes wrong. 1998's version was yet another giant ego-stroking affair for Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior. Team WCW consisted of Warrior, Diamond Dallas Page and Roddy Piper. The Wolfpac's representatives were Sting, Kevin Nash and Lex Luger. Team Hollywood trotted out Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart and...Stevie Ray. Huh? This match features a rule change where the match could now end by pinfall and at any time during the contest. But that's not what makes it so bad (aside from Stevie Ray being in it). This is less a wrestling match than it is a low budget attempt at a Criss Angel stunt. Warrior appears in the ring via a cloud of smoke, and then DISAPPEARS when Hogan attacks him, only to reappear AGAIN, this time entering the cage from outside, because Warrior has superpowers, which is the only way Hogan can justify losing to him at WrestleMania VI. DDP gets the win by miraculously pinning the great Stevie Ray, but it didn't matter because this was awful.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.