Sting To WWE: 10 Great Ways He Can Be Used

7. Raw General Manager

TNATNAMonday Night Raw has been without a General Manager since The Authority fired Brad Maddox. Since then, there has been no GM, no one in charge except Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. And that has driven some fans absolutely insane. The fact is that The Authority is doing everything right in order to get over as heels. They are tormenting the babyfaces, they are abusing their power and they are irritating fans in the process. They are meant to be the top antagonists in the company and they are living up to their booking. But at some point, something has to give. The fans will only take so much of The Authority's heel agenda for so long until they begin to turn on the product and perhaps even stop watching. The only way to counteract their presence on WWE programming is with a protagonist that wields some power as well. Enter Sting, who has played this role before in TNA. The fact that he would be out of paint and out of character would be of little consequence for WWE, who could put him back into that spot whenever the opportunity presented itself and he would be just as effective. The point is that Sting is very good at working the crowd and to see him in a suit as the new Raw GM perhaps appointed by Vince or even Linda McMahon, would garner a pop the likes of which fans could not imagine. Yes he would be under The Authority's directive but he would not abide by their wishes. He could be exactly what fans want and what the company needs to finally provide a balance of power on Monday nights.
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WWE Raw Sting
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Host of Tom Clark's Main Event, WWE Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report and a Contributor for the Camel Clutch Blog