Straight Outta Dudleyville – The Legacy Of The Dudley Boyz DVD Review: 20 Interesting Observations

13. "Whoever Calls First Loses"

Straight Outta Dudleyville – The Legacy of the Dudley Boyz

The words of Bubba there who explained how The Dudley Boyz made their way to WWE. 

Bubba received a call from wrestling columnist Blackjack Brown who told him that WWE were looking to bring The Dudley Boyz in. Bubba told Blackjack that if they were interested, they'd call him when they were ready. 

He didn't want to call them or he'd come across as pushy, while Vince Russo, who "loved" the Dudleys, didn't want to call him after the failure of the Public Enemy's - ECW greats in their own right - run.

 Eventually, the standoff lasted so long that Blackjack called Russo and handed Bubba the phone. Talks were underway. 

The pair had two meetings with WWE before signing. During their second meeting with Jim Ross and Vince McMahon, Bubba told of how The Dudley Boyz were old school heels and wouldn't be signing any autographs or taking any pictures with fans. 

Vince, shocked at what he just heard, leaned forward, put his hands on the table and said: "Bubba, you WILL sign autographs." 

Bubba leant back and thought about it for a second before coming round to the idea. 

The Dudley Boyz were now WWE Superstars. 

Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.