The Greatest Match From Every WWE SummerSlam Ever

23. 1997 - Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. Owen Hart

daniel bryan john cena summerslam 2013

This match will sadly always be overshadowed by the ending: a botched tombstone piledriver from Owen Hart leaves Austin temporarily paralysed, and would in due course lead to the premature ending of his career. It’s horrific, and all too clear that something has gone badly wrong (insanely they show an action replay of this after the match).

Everything leading up to this point, though, is pure dynamite. Austin is on a rapid ascent, and Hart is the ideal opponent for him, their respective intensities perfectly matching one another. Hart as a heel supplements his technical skills with dirty tactics, attempting to smash Austin’s hand and even resorting to biting.

Austin, meanwhile, is fast and slick, but with shades of the explosive brawling that would be his stock in trade post-injury. The finish is one of necessity, Austin catching Hart with a limp roll up so they can get him out of there, but once again the future megastar’s determination is clear for all to see.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)