The Greatest Professional Wrestling Concept Album EVER: Track By Track

2. The Ballad Of Bull Ramos

Killer Lyrics: And the doctor recognizes me / As the operating theatre goes dim / Aren't you that old wrestler with the bullwhip? / Yes sir, that's me, I'm him.

The percussion driven combination of classic rock and a hoe down, acts as a western theme tune for an old outlaw, albeit one who is succumbing to injury and age.

The song’s theme is retirement and is told from the first-person perspective of Bull Ramos, inventor of the Texas Bullrope match and former tag team partner of Jesse Ventura. (Song) Ramos holds onto the old days with fondness and ease, like a less aggressive Jim Cornette.

This is the album’s most biographical track. In the opening a still active Ramos imagines driving a tow truck. This would be the career that he adopted once he’d hung up his boots. As the song progresses, we learn of how a piece of broken glass led to the amputation of his toe. By the song’s conclusion diabetes (and related complications) Ramos has lost a whole leg, a kidney, and his sight. However, he is proud of his journey, sitting on his porch reminiscing. He may die, but his legacy never will - a bittersweet end, that tips slightly towards sweet.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.