The Greatest Professional Wrestling Concept Album EVER: Track By Track

7. Fire Editorial

Killer Lyrics: Jaws dropping at ringside / In the blood tide / When the fireball hits.

The instrumental has the feel of a demo for either an opening Broadway number or a ‘70s toothpaste jingle. It proves jarring with the lyrical content, which is anything but merry. The song honours innovator of hardcore wrestling The Iron Sheik, with the Sheik’s signature fireball attack being a key reference point.

The fire ball has been performed by the Sheik throughout his career. Though the attack provokes sympathetic wincing from the fanbase, it is a hot but harmless trick that borrows a staple from the magician’s trick box – flash paper. As the song open’s the Sheik has already used the stunt to blind two opponents. The crowd are immediately appalled by the fire and blood, depicted with slack jaws.

The track plugs the Sheik’s success as a heel. The babyface’s are wrote off with the line “All the best bleed / All the proud boys break”. The crowd in Indiana are so riled and hostile they must be checked for guns, and he is described as reducing fans of his opposing babyface to tears. The line “save everything not nailed down” elicits images of the rioting when the evil Sheik is triumphant.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.