The HARDEST Undertaker Quiz Ever
How well do you REALLY know The Undertaker?

'The Man From The Dark Side' known as The Undertaker has amassed a devoted following over the years. His Creatures of the Night - as he deemed them all the way back in 1995 - have been by his side since the very beginning, following along and championing him as he defeated opponent after opponent, took soul after soul and, yes, surpassed milestone after milestone.
Whether you grew up with him on your screen, or became a fan later into his career, it doesn't matter. The 'The Demon of Death Valley' has been around longer than most, putting together a legacy that few mortal men - or wrestlers - could ever dream of. Yes, he's the longest-tenured active (well, semi-active) competitor on the WWE roster, but he's also one of greatest in-ring performers of not just his generation, but all of them, so when you look at it like that, it's hardly surprising that he's so popular.
That being said, just how big a fan are you? Sure, you might know the basic outline of 'The Phenom's career, but can you start your own Streak and ace this difficult Deadman quiz, or is it destined to take your soul? Let's find out...
Answers at the end!