The Many Faces Of Bray Wyatt - Ranked From Worst To Best

10. Nexus Member (WWE)

Bray Wyatt Nexus


Yes, as sad as it is to report for Nexus fans everywhere, Bray's time in the rebellious group ranks in the lowest possible position. Why? Well, he only joined the faction after its peak relevancy, and he was part of the jumbled-up CM Punk-led incarnation that never really went anywhere.

Alongside other goofs like Michael McGillicutty and Mason Ryan, Husky Harris (his old ring name) was just sorta there. It never seemed like Punk was going to reshape them into credible acts, and few were sad to see the stable shuffle off screens in 2011.

Also, nobody really remembers Wyatt's career by saying, 'Hey, he was a key part of Nexus'. He wasn't - it was a bit part in a fading idea that was nearing its sell-by-date by the time he joined on. Valuable experience for him, maybe, but nonetheless crap.

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Bray Wyatt
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