The Many Faces Of Bray Wyatt - Ranked From Worst To Best

8. Axl Mulligan (FCW)

Now this was at least interesting.

In early-2011, Wyatt dabbled with a completely new character called Axl Mulligan. The hockey-mask wearing freak donned an "American Nightmare" t-shirt (there's another Cody reference for you, albeit an unintentional, pre-emptive one) and generally acted like a horror movie villain.

Although Mulligan wasn't around long enough to be higher on this list, there's a good chance Bray would've made the idea work had WWE not iced it. This, whilst clearly one-dimensional, is exactly the kind of stuff he loves sinking his teeth into. Who knows what could've happened had Axl stuck around.

It's definitely more eye-catching than Husky Harris and his lame, "I'm a Sherman tank with a Ferrari engine" routine that WWE pushed on NXT. One can spot the early knockings of The 'Fiend' in Mulligan's presentation too. That has to count for something.

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