The Many Faces Of Mark Henry - Ranked From Worst To Best
From fathering a hand to becoming World Heavyweight Champion, Henry's had en eventful career.

Few WWE superstars enjoy the kind of longevity Mark Henry. Immediately handed a huge 10-year contract after appearing at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, only Kane, The Undertaker, and Triple H can match his tenure among WWE's active wrestlers.
It took Henry 15 full years to find his footing as a main eventer, however, and he has just three title reigns to show for his 20+ year WWE run. Major injuries have robbed him of months of his career at a time, and his in-ring education was a long, slow process that saw him sent back to developmental more than once.
Regardless, WWE have never been shy of featuring the World's Strongest Man. From his run as Sexual Chocolate in the Attitude Era all the way through to his Hall Of Pain days, WWE have always found something for him to do. This has meant taking-on a number of different personas over the years, and while they haven't always delivered, they've helped keep Mark in the spotlight.
As one of wrestling's foremost "late bloomers," Henry has experienced some of the best and worst that WWE Creative has to offer...
10. Sexual Chocolate

Look, Mark Henry and Mae Young conceived a hand during Mark Henry’s spell as Sexual Chocolate. A hand!
That alone should be enough for this stage to rank as his career’s darkest period, and while Sexual Chocolate produced the odd highlight or two, the gimmick is best forgotten about. In an era largely characterised by wild, outlandish characters, Sexual Chocolate was among the dumbest.
Henry would attempt to seduce anything that moved during this period, which famously led to Chyna tricking him into kissing a man in drag. The entire Chyna arc was a mistake itself, and after losing his European Championship to former buddy D’Lo Brown at Unforgiven ‘99, Henry turned into a full-on sex addict.
Because they’re the creepiest company in entertainment history, WWE then decided to run an angle where it was revealed that Henry was sleeping with his sister. They were somehow able to turn this ludicrous gimmick face by having him align with Mae Young (the only woman who could satisfy his sexual appetite, apparently), who eventually gave birth to the hand, putting them both at the heart of one of the Attitude Era’s most regrettable moments.
Was Sexual Chocolate funny at times? Sure, but at its worst, the gimmick was absolutely unwatchable.