The Many Faces Of Triple H - Ranked From Worst To Best

7. The COO

triple h cm punk

In Hunter’s later career, he’s disappeared from TV quite a few times to then make a triumphant return when the product gets a bit stale. One of these times was when he showed up to relieve Vince McMahon of his duties. It was a hokey, hamfisted attempt at acting on both of their parts, and set up a ridiculous set of storylines that killed a lot of the momentum they had going on.

After being away since WrestleMania XXII, Hunter had the unenviable position of telling his pops it was time to go, and that he was now in charge. He then ran Raw, but the roster wasn’t having it. They apparently preferred Vince’s brand of craziness to Triple H’s.

In the storyline, he re-signed CM Punk to a deal, and then later witnessed as his good buddy Kevin Nash screwed the new superstar out of his title. When Nash found himself unable to wrestle Punk to do health problems, Hunter stepped back in the ring himself...and then beat him.

Hunter was done under by a vote of no confidence by the Raw roster, and was replaced by John Laurinaitis, who was then later fired him somehow, and then Vince McMahon himself came back with zero explanation. It was a pretty ridiculous run for everyone involved. While Hunter is still presented as the COO, this was the first era where he was presented as the top player behind-the-scenes, but unfortunately not the last.

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