The Miz Vs. Dean Ambrose Announced For WWE Smackdown Next Week

Intercontinental Title match to headline first Smackdown of 2017.

Miz Ambrose Appreciation Award

Following a violent exchange between the two men on Tuesday's Smackdown Live, a match between Intercontinental Champion The Miz and Dean Ambrose has been signed. The title bout will headline next week's Smackdown, the first episode of 2017.

The issues between Miz and Ambrose began on the episode of Smackdown following TLC, immediately after Miz had dispatched Dolph Ziggler and James Ellsworth betrayed Ambrose to cost him a WWE World Championship match with AJ Styles. On December 5, they faced each other for The Miz's title, but interference from Ellsworth cost Ambrose the match.

The following week, Ambrose and Miz came to blows on MizTV, then later in the program, The Miz cost Ambrose the win in a number one contendership bout. That prompted Renee Young to address Miz last week, asking about his apparent obsession with Ambrose. Miz turned it around, crudely referring to the real-life relationship between Young and Ambrose, drawing a slap from the interviewer.


On Tuesday's show, Miz demanded an interview with Young, but it was a ruse for an ambush by "The Lunatic Fringe," who beat Miz senseless in a corridor. Following that attack, next week's main event was made.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013