The Night Shawn Michaels Found His Smile
Many believe that second long WWE run to be better than the first. This isn't an opinion shared by your writer, but Michaels created such unbearable anxiety over the state of the back he sold so perfectly, and to illustrate that greatness, years and years after playing the same trick, everybody still bought it every time.
It's easy and, informed by that history, quite fun to dunk on Shawn Michaels nowadays. Find somebody who looks at you the way Shawn Michaels looks at Johnny Gargano looking at his hands, that sort of thing. And he still shouldn't kill small animals for sport, even if he says "I'm sorry; I love you" before pulling the trigger. See, it's fun.
But Shawn Michaels proved that even the worst of us can change. Per rumours that stemmed from TakeOver: In Your House, he's demanding it from others, too. Michaels was never a huge draw, nor a zeitgeist performer.
But if there's ever a time to take inspiration from him, it's now.