The Origins Of Wrestling’s 6 Favourite Foreign Objects

2. Tables

Terry Funk


Tables (in some form) have been around since the beginning of time. The earliest tables discovered date back to Ancient Egypt (approximately 2500BC) and were constructed from wood and alabaster. Folding tables have been around for a similar length of time. However, the use of folding wooden tables skyrocketed when Lifetime Products mass produced the product in the ‘90s and ‘00s.


The first recorded example of a table spot in North America occurred in Continental Wrestling Association. During 1984, Randy Savage and his brother Lanny were feuding with The Rock 'n' Roll Express. During one of their clashes, Savage drove Ricky Morton through a table with a piledriver, decimating his rival and shocking fans.

The tables used in wrestling are not like the typical design on the market. Thin wood or plywood is used for the table’s tops and the metal structure is kept to a minimum, with the support from metal bars being mostly omitted.


Though table spots have become widely used and common place in wrestling, the weapon will forever be related with The Dudley Boyz. Bubba Ray, D-Von, and the misfits they called family along the way, innovated and popularised the use of tables during their time in ECW and WWE.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.