The Undertaker: Every Reinvention Ranked Worst To Best

1. MMA Undertaker

Undertaker Ministry of Darkness Big Evil

Around the mid-2000s, the Undertaker got into the best shape of his career, and adapted his in-ring style to match his increased athleticism. A big fan of MMA, 'Taker added a triangle choke to his repertoire of finishing moves, and began wearing the padded gloves associated with professional fighters. He also transitioned into regularly wearing a singlet top, showing off his leaner and muscularly defined frame. Still sporting his trademark hat and overcoat on the way to the ring, once the bell rang the Undertaker had reinvented his style again to keep up with new trends.

Having classics with the likes of Kurt Angle, Batista and Shawn Michaels, the change in style and conditioning led to the best in-ring period of 'Taker's career. Looking on the verge of breaking down in the early part of the decade, he was now one of the most consistent workers in the company, and added three more World Titles to his name before the end of the decade as well as establishing the WrestleMania streak as a key part of each year's event.

Updating the Undertaker character cosmetically to maintain the original idea of the Deadman whilst excelling inside the ropes, MMA Undertaker was not the most dramatic reinvention of his career, but the one with greatest overall success.

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I'm a writer and drawer of things concerning music, films, wrestling and anything awesome. I've also written a novel and am doing my best to read, watch, listen to and enjoy every great thing our cultures have ever produced. It's rather difficult...