The Undertaker: Every Reinvention Ranked Worst To Best

3. Teardrop Undertaker

Undertaker Ministry of Darkness Big Evil

The Undertaker was reinvigorated in 1996 by his feud with Mick Foley's Mankind character. The pair fought each other for a good portion of 1996, creating some classic matches that were much different to the formulaic and plodding matches 'Taker had taken part in since his debut. Adding new speed and aggression to his in-ring work, he would by the end of the year add a new look as well.

After being buried alive at the October In Your House, Undertaker returned at Survivor Series for one more match with his nemesis. Descending from the rafters at Madison Square Garden with bat wings spread wide, 'Taker had ditched his trademark gloves, boots and hat, instead going for a leather outfit and most noticeably a prominent black teardrop painted on his face.

Indeed, although the teardrop makeup seemed somewhat out of place for such a threatening character, this period of the Undertaker's career saw his greatest in-ring work to date. His clashes with Mankind, Bret Hart and in particular his classic bout with Shawn Michaels in the inaugural Hell In A Cell were excellent and a far cry from the plodding repetition of his early '90s matches with an array of monsters. Combined with excellent storytelling in his feuds with Michaels and Kane, Teardrop Undertaker was one of the character's best periods, redefining what the character and man was capable of.


I'm a writer and drawer of things concerning music, films, wrestling and anything awesome. I've also written a novel and am doing my best to read, watch, listen to and enjoy every great thing our cultures have ever produced. It's rather difficult...