The Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt - 10 Things To Expect For WrestleMania 31

5. Casket Match?

Last competing in coffin-based warfare at Survivor Series 2008 (opposite The Big Show), 'Taker's signature match hasn't been wheeled out for a while. Without reading too much into what happened at Fast Lane, is there a chance WWE could be conditioning fans in preparation for a Casket Match between The Undertaker at Bray Wyatt at Wrestlemania? The concept would feel fresh enough, certainly in relation to The Deadman. Sure, the last match of this type did just take place at the tail-end of January, when Daniel Bryan defeated Kane on an episode of Smackdown, but there's room to re-air the gimmick once more on the grand stage of 'Mania. If Wyatt were to go down the route of saying it was time to bury The Undertaker's career, a casket could be the perfect backdrop on which to piece together their showdown. The matches are always suitably dramatic, and given the close ties casket's have with The Undertaker - traditionally at least - this could be tailor made.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.