The Undertaker's 10 Best Biker Matches

1. The Undertaker Vs. Jeff Hardy (RAW, 01/07/02)

It’s not often that the success of an entire career can be traced back to a single match.

Despite a trailblazing run in the tag team division, Hardy was floundering in singles competition in 2002, entering aimless feuds and losing to the likes of Chris Nowinski and The Big Show week after week.

When a Ladder Match was set with Hardy challenging The Undertaker for his Undisputed Championship, expectations were understandably low. Taker was far from a Ladder Match specialist, and many expected that the clash of styles would result in a glorified squash match.

WWE bucked the trend, solidifying Hardy as an almost David-esque underdog against a Goliath of the industry. Undertaker dissected the athletic Hardy, doing his best to neutralise his aerial threat. Hardy, meanwhile, pulled out every trick he knew to stop the assault.

The crowd noise was deafening as Hardy almost pulled off the ultimate upset before falling victim to a devastating Chokeslam from the ladder. What followed was a forceful Last Ride before Jeff defiantly screamed at 'Taker as he made his exit. The rebellious outburst prompted 'Taker to return to the ring and raise the underdog's hand, effectively turning face as a result.

Though it would take a few years before WWE were able to harvest the seeds planted in this match, it proved Jeff Hardy had the potential to be a future star - and only helped cement Undertaker as a versatile, legendary performer.


I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!