The Undertaker's 10 Best Biker Matches

3. The Undertaker Vs. Brock Lesnar (No Mercy 2002)

The Undertaker 2002 Big Evil SummerSlam

Not one for the squeamish, the Hell in a Cell match between Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker at No Mercy 2002 was the moment that truly legitimatised Lesnar and allowed him to become the beast he is today.

An infamously nasty blade job sent blood cascading down Taker’s face, while a deep gash did the same for Lesnar. Even Paul Heyman was busted open in a match that should nonetheless be remembered for more than just blood and brutality. The story of the match saw Undertaker pull out every trick he knew in the demonic structure to counteract Lesnar’s youth and raw athleticism.

As the match went on, you could see the confidence drain away with the blood on 'Taker’s face, before Lesnar reversed a desperate Tombstone Piledriver into a devastating F-5. Following his win, Lesnar climbed to the top of the cell raising his newly won championship in an iconic pose that simply dripped with symbolism.

Here was a man not reliant on the high spots of the past. Lesnar simply didn’t need to throw anyone through the Cell or off the side. He could do the same amount of damage with his hands. Fans would just have to get used to it.


I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!