The Undertaker's 10 Most Devastating Defeats

1. Vs. Vladimir Kozlov - Smackdown 2009

Ask most modern WWE fans who Vladimir Kozlov is, and there's a fair few who won't really remember the guy, apart from maybe recalling him being in a tag-team with Santino Marella, one played exclusively for laughs. There was a time, following his debut in 2008, when WWE were truly determined to make Kozlov a star. So eager were the promotion, that they booked him to defeat The Undertaker cleanly on Smackdown in 2009. Going for his trademark Old School top-rope move, 'Taker was pulled off and caught in a vicious Powerslam by the supposed-Russian, who then hooked his leg and pinned the icon for the three count. You have to admire The Undertaker for agreeing to this loss, but the fact that Kozlov was drafted to the loser ECW brand just a few short months later shows that it wasn't the best idea WWE have ever come up with. In fact, just two years later, Vladimir Kozlov was gone, and you have to wonder if it was worth having him defeat someone as respected as The Undertaker cleanly on television, when it was clear to everyone (except WWE's creative team) that Kozlov wasn't catching on with the audience. Do you agree with the choices on this list? Are there any other moments from The Undertaker's legendary career which you feel shouldn't have happened? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.