The Undertaker's 10 Most Devastating Defeats

5. Vs. Vince McMahon - Survivor Series 2003

Vince McMahon's evil owner character had more than been played out by the time his feud with The Undertaker rolled around in 2003, but there was still significant interest in a match between the pair. Having faced off against other top stars like Steve Austin, Triple H, Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan, McMahon saw money in a bout pitting him opposite one of his greatest creations. The resultant Buried Alive match at the 2003 iteration of Survivor Series was entertaining, and didn't outstay it's welcome - clocking in at less than 15 minutes - but the finish was a little tired. Fans had already seen The Undertaker come close to winning a Buried Alive match, only to be stopped by an interfering heel, on this occasion Kane. Losing to a full-time performer can be bad enough, but for The Undertaker to be booked to lose to McMahon in a Buried Alive match, even with interference, wasn't a great moment for the character.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.