So, yeah. Before you even see The Undertaker, you see a video screen of Undertaker defeats and caskets airbrushed with the names of the men who have "perished" attempting to defeat him at Wrestlemania. That's an incredible touch. It sets the stage for something amazing, which given what did happen, is likely more amazing than anyone could've expected. We see red in the Undertaker's non-"American Badass" gear for the first time here, and from an aesthetic standpoint, it's initially jarring (though he debuted it leading into Wrestlemania) because for so long, colors largely grouped together at the same end of the spectrum (black, gray and purple) were used in his "Deadman" gear. Red's on the other end of the spectrum, so it's quite the eye-catching presentation. There's smoke, and in what is an eerie symbol of what happened in the match, a round of applause for 'taker, as if the crowd knows that Brock Lesnar could be *the* guy. Altogether, this one is incredibly stunning.
Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.