The Undertaker's WWE SummerSlam Matches Ranked From Worst To Best

13. Vs. A-Train - SummerSlam 2003

X Pac Undertaker SummerSlam 1999
WWE Network

Taking place towards the end of 'Taker's run as Big Evil, his match with A-Train was a clear example of how the creative team were running out of ideas for American Badass Undertaker. Caught in Vince McMahon's crosshairs again, 'The Phenom' ended up spending the second-biggest event of the year in battle with the man he had already pinned at the biggest event of the year.

Unfortunately, the match itself was rather dull, as 'Taker's kayfabe rib injury meant that the slower A-Train controlled the majority of the match as he endlessly pounded away on the affected area. It did pick up in the closing moments but, by then, it was too little too late.

Though it wasn't horrible, it was completely uneventful and, other than Stephanie McMahon's post-match return, nothing about it justified its placement on the SummerSlam card.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.