These WWE Hall Of Famers "Tortured" A Referee
Eric Bischoff recalls seeing recent WWE Hall Of Famers making a ref's life misery.

Eric Bischoff was sh*tting bricks when he first walked into a WCW locker room in 1991 and clapped eyes on The Steiner Brothers.
Bisch told WWE's 'After The Bell' podcast that he was nervous about everything generally back then - Eric found a quiet corner and told himself that he should keep his head down. Then, he spotted Rick and Scott "torturing a referee", and his eyes widened.
The Steiners weren't going about their own business quietly at all. Both brothers, who were recently inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame right before WrestleMania 38, were "stretching him, bending him, squeezing him, breaking him until they got tired of it".
Then, to top this ribbing or...bullying display off, the brothers "wrapped [the ref] up like a mummy in tape and left him in the corner". Said official was totally helpless, and nobody seemed keen to muscle in and free him either.
Bischoff scanned the scene, watched The Steiner Bros leave and then thought: "This is going to be fun. I can’t wait to work with these two guys".
Eventually, Eric became good pals with Rick. Scott was a little different; "It’s kind of like hanging out with a hand grenade. Eventually, it’s going to go bad!".