2. His Refusal To Join WWE
Every six months (you could almost set your calendar by it) or so, Sting comes out and has an interview where he always mentions that "he has talked with the WWE this month", but it's either a) not the right time b) not the right offer or c) against his religious beliefs. In actual fact, he did it again recently. LIAR. I am sorry, but if anyone was not only offered the type of money that he always seems to allude to, but a headlining match with The Undertaker at WrestleMania (another thing he constantly tells us is part of the deal), then if you don't sign on the dotted line, quite frankly I find your reasoning hard to believe. I am under the impression that he does this merely to keep his paycheck in TNA at a record high, and has in real life not spoken to the WWE higher ups for a long,
long time now. Some might call it "corporate negotiating," I call it being a douchebag. He has absolutely no reason not to join the roster, especially nowadays with what TNA has become, and the level of competition the WWE currently has. Furthermore, sometimes his own remarks contradict everything that he may have said six months previous. The reasons that he gave for not being part of "The Invasion" is not only contradictory but downright selfish. His main argument was a promo featuring "The Rock" asking Booker T who he was; this he says was proof WWE were going to treat the WCW stars like they meant nothing. Well, Sting, I got news for you - THAT WAS THE ROCK'S CATCHPHRASE! For those who may not remember, let me refresh your memory. He wasn't treating Booker T with any less regard than he had shown Stone Cold for years previous, so that argument is crap. Another reason was that he was worried about how the legacy of WCW was going to be treated. Well, if you signed up in the first place, maybe you could've shown some leadership and made sure that the legacy was treated right. Considering the only reason WCW is remembered at all nowadays is WWE's commitment to its roots (its DVD retrospectives alone sustain WCW's legacy) shows that he either has absolutely no clue, or is a pathological liar when it comes to his reasons for not signing. I mean, he doesn't even have to sign up for that long nowadays. Be a part timer, like Chris Jericho, The Rock or Brock Lesnar. He has no excuse. It is what all of Sting's fans want him to do, and is a nice little segue into what makes my number one spot...