TNA Bound For Glory 2013: 8 Matches That Could Happen

TNA Tag Team Titles

5. James Storm & Gunner vs. Bad Influence

christopher daniels I was a little surprised to see Storm & Gunner win the tag team titles. I weren€™t sure how well they would work together or how well the crowd would treat Gunner. The crowd has seemed to have warmed up on Gunner and his association with Storm really seems to have helped. I don€™t know what these two are going to be doing during the BFG Series, considering that Aries & Roode, Bad Influence, & Hernandez are all in it. They seemed to have a small program with the Bro Mans, but they easily defeated them on Impact. I don€™t see Storm & Gunner losing the belts anytime soon, because there is no other team to lose it to. Bad Influence is without a doubt one of my favorite tag teams. I was never the biggest Kazarian fan, but he has been great since this team formed. I see these two getting the title shots because they didn€™t even €œlose€ the title match at Slammiversary. Bad Influence got disqualified and were never pinned by Storm or Gunner. In their tag match against Storm & Gunner, Bad Influence won. In doing so, they got into the BFG Series, but they still beat the champs. I see this as Strom & Gunner€™s opportunity to finally defeat the Bad Influence.