TNA Bound For Glory 2013: 8 Matches That Could Happen

3. Hernandez vs. Chavo Guerrero

It seems all too obvious that Chavo is going to turn on his partner Hernandez. Chavo was visibly upset when he lost to Hernandez in the BFG Series qualifier and Chavo cheated (without Hernandez€™s knowledge) to help Hernandez defeat Jay Bradley. If Chavo keeps helping Hernandez win without Hernandez€™s knowledge , I see the moment when Hernandez finally finds out that it won€™t end up too pleasant. Hernandez clearly doesn€™t seem like he wants to win that way, but Chavo is going to keep doing it anyway. I picture Hernandez finally telling Chavo to stop and for that to just set off an alarm in Chavo€™s head. Hernandez is going to be close to entering the top four of the BFG Series and Chavo once again will cheat. Only this time, costing Hernandez. Chavo is going to be unhappy that Hernandez yells at him when all he was trying to do was help. I definitely see this match and turn happening and I can see it getting added to the BFG card. Will the crowd care? Probably not. But I think it€™s going to happen anyway.