TNA’s 2024 Return: 10 Things That MUST Happen

9. Updated "Classic" Belt Designs


A return to old belt designs has been pretty much confirmed by TNA, and that's great. Being brutally honest about it, the current IMPACT lineup is...a bit rubbish. Those washed out red designs are uninspiring, and don't pop the same way the classics did.

By comparison to WWE and AEW belts, they're cheap-looking.

The "Big Gold" template used by the old TNA Heavyweight strap is a must, and so is a the big red "X" splashed across the (you guessed it) X Division Title. Dixie Carter changed that to blue in 2013, then IMPACT went with a green motif in 2015 that always looked kinda naff. The newer variation doesn't cut it either.

It's important that TNA recognises the value of belts that get people talking. These designs really are make or break, because the promotion will want social media to gush over them rather than hate. You can't please everybody, but a neat mix of old and new should do the trick.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.