TNA Weekly Review: 21/2/13

8-Man Tag Team Action The first match is all set up to be a combustible affair, as eight of the biggest superstars currently in the company prepare to compete in what is being built as a stellar night of wrestling in London. Out first comes the team of Christopher Daniels and Kazarian, which is always a good sign if you want to see effective tag team wrestling. They are followed by opponents last week, the combustible Tag Team Champions Bobby Roode and Austin Aries. With so much ego on one side of the ring it seems a worry that their corner will collapse under the weight of their swollen heads. Their opponents soon follow, starting with the former champions Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez. They are followed by Joseph Park, who gets a great reaction from the crowd, and the go-to-guy to fill any empty spot in TNA wrestling, The Cowboy James Storm. The match begins with Daniels and Storm trading holds, but as soon as the Fallen Angel is clotheslined out of the ring by Storm, all eight competitors begin taking shots at one another, except Park who doesn't seem to understand quite what's going on. With the heel team on the outside, the show takes one of its hundred commercial breaks, and when the action returns Chavo Guerrero is in control of the licensed manager Kazarian. Once he makes the tag to Park, the ex-lawyer is able to get a few shots on Kazarian, including his patented standing still while the opponent bounces off him, before he is taken down by a cheap shot by Daniels. I have to say that despite Park playing a character that has little ability in the ring, his performances and facial expressions always bring about a positive fan reaction. However, Park soon finds himself in the corner taking shot after shot, but when both Roode and Aries tag Kazarian simultaneously, we are treated to some more bickering by the tag champions. Their arguments almost allow Park to get the tag before Daniels takes a few shots on the inexperienced rookie. Daniels and Kazarian continue to make tags between themselves and ignore the champions on the apron, and eventually this friction between the four arrogant superstars leads to a massive argument in their corner. In the confusion Park is able to take down both Daniels and Kazarian, who finally look to tag in the champions, who instead decide to leave their partners to their own predicament. With this match now becoming 4-on-2, it is not long before Guerrero takes out Daniels with a Frog Splash, and following a Last Call Superkick and a splash from Park, Guerrero pins Kazarian for the victory. WINNERS: James Storm, Chavo Guerrero, Hernandez and Jospeh Park
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I am a British student currently studying at the University of York, and have a passionate interest in WWE, English football (soccer) and video gaming.