TNA Weekly Review: 21/2/13

Main Event: Six-Man Tag The music of Aces & Eights comes on as we prepare for the main event of the evening, and it appears as though the group has chosen from its extensive ranks Devon, DOC and Mr. Anderson to compete against the combined force of Bully Ray, Sting and Hulk Hogan. Whilst the reactions for Sting and Bully are strong from the audience, the crowd absolutely raises the roof at the chance to see Hogan in the ring one more time, although I'm not sure most wrestling purists would share that opinion. If it only happens once in a blue moon, then it's okay by me. But, it seems the the crowd will be left disappointed, as the extended time of the entrance music suggests that something has happened to Hogan to prevent him coming out. Aces & Eights waste little time in taking advantage of the confused state of their opponents and attack Bully and Sting from behind in what appears now to be a 3-on-2 handicap match. However, despite the overwhelming odds and a visibly limping Bully Ray, it doesn't take long for the two men to take advantage with some heavy shots and Stinger splashes. But as action returns from hopefully the final advertisement, Bully Ray is being controlled in the ring by the advantageous Aces & Eights forces. After long, agonising minutes of taking shot after shot from Devon, Anderson and DOC, eventually Ray is able to take advantage of a lapse in concentration by the Television Champion, and hobbles his way over to the corner to tag in his partner the Icon Sting. Sting is able to clear the ring and looks to get a pinfall with the Scorpion Death Drop before Anderson interrupts the pin attempt on DOC. However, it doesn't look good for Anderson, who is set up for the headbutt from Bully into his never regions. But before he has a chance to fly, Sting and Bully are distracted by the presence of a beat up Hulk Hogan and his daughter held hostage by other members of the Aces & Eights. With Bully rushing to check on his father and wife, Sting applies the Scorpion Death Lock on Anderson, but this leaves him wide open for a massive kick from DOC to the face, which gives Aces & Eights the victory. WINNERS: Aces & Eights

Thanks For Reading So the tour of Britain for TNA concludes with Aces & Eights standing over the prone body of Sting whilst Bully Ray and Brooke Hogan tended to the fallen general manager Hulk Hogan. Whilst this was not the best quality episode of Impact due to some lacklustre wrestling, it did leave us all wondering what will happen on the road to Lockdown in two weeks time. Who will Sting pick to compete on his team at Lockdown? Will we see anything of Jeff Hardy when the company goes back to America? How will Bully Ray balance being involved with Aces & Eights and being the new Number One Contender? And of course the question on everybody's mind, will Robbie T finally get a match with Robbie E next week? All this and so much more will be covered next week, as TNA says farewell to the fantastic atmosphere that the British crowds provided for their shows, and hopefully the crowds back in America will be just as appreciative and fired up for the action that they provide. Be sure to catch up with the show if you haven't seen it already, and I'll be back with a review for next week.
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I am a British student currently studying at the University of York, and have a passionate interest in WWE, English football (soccer) and video gaming.