TNA's Future - 7 Ways It Could Go

1. Corgan Buys It And Starts Over

Billy Corgan Tna Grand Championship

TNA means nothing.

I mean, yes, technically it means “Total Nonstop Action”, but the brand is largely a net negative for wrestling fans and the initials are atrocious. They can drive away merchandising deals and advertisers in droves.

So why the hell would Billy Corgan want the thing?

Perhaps Billy has taken a close look at the financials of the company and has realized there’s way, way too much debt for him to take on. It would perhaps be best to just start over. And with that, he doesn’t put up a fight for the TNA library, and lets somebody else own the entire thing. That way he could put in a lower bid to basically gain possession of whatever other assets they have (like a ring, lighting, personnel, etc.) and rename the company entirely.

Yes, he’d miss out on being able to promote footage involving Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and Sting, but by cutting ties completely, he can get a fresh start. He seems to have a vision in place for where he wants to take the company, and it’s likely that talent like Matt and Jeff Hardy would have no trouble following him in order to keep enjoying the exposure and creativity he'd continue to gift them.

Corgan then goes to Pop TV (or another network) and tries to negotiate a deal to have his new promotion take over the TNA timeslot. The ratings have improved since their debut on the network, so they'd likely be open to the idea.

While watching a part of TNA essentially die off forever could be a bit sad for their most hardcore fans, it may the only solution for it to exist in the future in any form.

In this post: 
TNA Triple H
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