Top NXT Stars Work WWE Main Event Tapings
Here's what happened when two of WWE's top NXT 2.0 stars worked Main Event last night.

A few days removed from wrestling each other in a pre-show dark match ahead of last week's episode of SmackDown, Pete Dunne and Tommaso Ciampa worked individual matches at yesterday's Main Event tapings.
Footage for the episode was captured at last night's Raw show in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and will air later this week. Both Ciampa and Dunne were victorious, too, with the former outdoing Raw midcarder T-Bar and Dunne besting 24/7 Championship chaser Akira Tozawa.
Both Dunne and Ciampa have worked minimal main roster roles in the past, though neither has appeared on Main Event before. There is currently no word on whether or not either will be moving to Raw or SmackDown anytime soon, however.
Considered amongst NXT 2.0's biggest and most experienced stars, Dunne and Ciampa have both been prominent on recent television. Dunne faces off against rival Tony D'Angelo in a crowbar on a pole match (shout-out to Vince Russo) on tonight's show while Ciampa has just been deposed as NXT Champion, having fallen to the fast-rising Bron Breakker on the New Year's Evil special last week.
Ciampa has previously appeared reticent to join the main roster full-time, citing the strain of the increased strain of the Raw/SmackDown road schedule compared to developmental.