The Undertaker: 10 Great WWE Moments You Completely Forgot About

10. The Monday Night Raw "Shoot" Promo There's nothing that fans love more than a good old-fashioned shoot. Anytime a talent goes on the record with backstage stories or insider information, it always makes the headlines and it happens all the time online. But when it happens in the confines of the ring, it's not exactly the shoot that fans were perhaps hoping for. The infamous pipebomb that CM Punk dropped on Raw back in 2011 was not the first time a moment like that has taken place. Joey Styles had a similar promo back in 2006 in which he lambasted the company and its owner before a shocked Monday night crowd. But while those two promos are remembered, the one cut by The Phenom may not be. It was around 1999 on Monday Night Raw when The Undertaker came down to the ring and grabbed a mic. He may have been wearing black but it was not the gravedigger garb that fans had been used to seeing. This time, it was The Undertaker acting out of character yet still in character at the same time. As with CM Punk and Joey Styles, Taker's shoot promo would almost certainly never be allowed on WWE programming without Vince's knowledge. However that does not change the fact that it still stands out as one of the more intriguing moments in The Undertaker's career, especially considering what he had to say about certain other stars of that company. He never lost his smile.

Host of Tom Clark's Main Event, WWE Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report and a Contributor for the Camel Clutch Blog