The Undertaker: 15 Shocking Videos He Doesn't Want You To See
13. WCW Undertaker was in WCW for a while, although neither the WWE or Undertaker like to acknowledge he actually worked for the competition. It was in 1990 and he played the role of Mean Marc. The video above illustrates how green he was at this point in his career, rubbing his hands and nodding his head as if that was ever going to get him over as intimidating. There's also an embarrassing mullet he'll be regretting. The above video is also notable for a young Teddy Long. Appearing as Taker's manager he looks like a miniature Stevie Wonder, complete with a jacket that's about two sizes too big. Thankfully Teddy and especially Undertaker went on to far better roles in the WWE, forging careers which the majority of the WCW roster failed to ever achieve. It's a miracle that WCW let such a tall imposing giant go, but that's WCW for you, more money than industry instinct.