Messing with Christians is bad enough, but killing a Muslim named Muhammad in the post 9/11 climate? The whole Muhammad Hassan versus The Undertaker feud of 2005 was plain lunacy, WWE cast Undertaker in a role where he took on an Islamist Extremist. When Hassan had a bunch of hooded terrorists beat Undertaker down in the week of the London Bombings, it had clearly gone too far, UPN demanded the Hassan character be removed from their Network. The mainstream press were going crazy, the controversial Smackdown episode was covered in scathing tones across the world. So what did WWE do? They wrote Hassan out of storylines by having Undertaker 'last ride' the young star through the WWE stage. The implication was that Undertaker had killed Hassan, slamming him into hell. The controversy and stupidity of this is pretty astounding. The WWE really are lucky not to have garnered more problems from The Undertaker killing a muslim extremist named Muhammad.