Update On Sheamus' WWE Injury Status
Bad news for the Raw Tag Team Champion.

Current WWE Raw Tag Team Champion Sheamus is currently suffering from a bout of spinal stenosis, according to this week's Wrestling Observer Newsletter.
As per the write-up, WWE decided to keep the Irishman off the road last week so that he could rehab the condition, though he returned to action on December 2nd. He's currently set to wrestle Seth Rollins on next week's episode of Raw, and there's currently no word on whether or not he'll miss any further time.
While the fact that he's keeping a regular schedule is positive news, Sheamus' situation is severe. His condition, an abnormal narrowing of the spine, is incurable, though there are treatments available to relieve the symptoms. More ominously, stenosis ended both Steve Austin and Edge's wrestling careers.
A company veteran, Sheamus has been part of WWE's main roster since June 2009, and is currently in the midst of one of his career's most entertaining runs alongside Cesaro. There's no indication that his situation is as dire as Edge's or Austin's, but him and the company must be cautious: there's a real chance Sheamus' condition could cut his career short.