Vince McMahon Thinks John Cena Could Still Be In WWE At 70
Plus, Vince shoots on dirtsheets and compares WWE to Disney.

"John is Babe Ruth, he's everything to us. And a real warrior. I don't know how long he's going to pursue this ... I don't know if it's going to be 70 like me, but he'll try. It's just in him and he loves it so much, even when he was a little kid. I don't know if you've seen some of the videos where he'd have a mini-championship belt made out of cardboard and all that kind of stuff. And on top of it, he's a hell of a guy."Despite what Vince said, it is worth noting that Cena has talked in the past about getting out of the business early. He didn't want to be one of the guys in their forties and still bumping around. Multiple business opportunities, like his recent reality television show and movie roles, will undoubtedly pull him away from WWE in the coming years, but he'll forever be some part of the company. Vince also used the interview to take a shot at the dirtsheets and sites like WhatCulture.
"Ill always be anti-some members of the media, so-called dirt sheets or whatever it is. Ive always disliked them. Not because of their voice and certainly not because of their opinion. No one respects the First Amendment more than me. Their opinions, negative or positive, theyre entitled to. Ive always appreciated that because, quite frankly, some of the things Ive learned from. I learn from everybody. Its that they want to be a spoiler. No! No! Dont spoil this. Dont spoil it for the public. But I know thats a part of their job."It sounds like he has mellowed a bit on his once bitter anger towards the internet. He can respect now that there's a demand for information, and people have a job to do. He stated that in keeping things quiet, like the Shane surprise, they'll tell almost nobody in the company. Shane was hid in a bus and not event the tech people knew about his return up until a few minutes beforehand. Something else that was interesting was Vince comparing WWE to Disney. "The organization that we built and the depth and talent from a corporate standpoint, It'll put us up against Disney," he said. That's quite the statement, as Disney is clearly several times bigger than WWE. But there are business similarities with characters and franchising. It speaks of Vince's ambition that he perhaps sees his company on that sort of massive Disney level. And John Cena is undoubtedly the Mickey Mouse of professional wrestling.