Vince Russo: 10 Biggest Regrets I Have In Wrestling

1. I Should Have Made Wrestling A Better Place

I had 23 years to make an impact on the wrestling business---and, I don€™t feel like I accomplished that. No, I€™m not talking about what you see on your television screen every week; I€™m talking about what goes on behind the scenes. There are many things about the wrestling business I don€™t care for---many things. It is ego driven, it is selfish, and for the most part---nobody cares €“REALLY CARES€”about anybody else. It€™s each man and woman for themselves and that doesn€™t make for a very pleasant working environment. I wish I would have worked harder on improving that---I really do. Unfortunately, most of the time I was concerned with watching my own back.

Former head of creative for the WWF and WCW during the most crucial period in wrestling industry history. Currently working on, writing weekly slideshows exclusively for